August Video Games
By EricMesa
- One minute read - 190 wordsFor those who are new readers, I’m keeping track of the games I’m playing monthly (via Raptr) and then writing a little blurb on the games. This is in prep for my year-end blog post.
Team Fortress 2 (4 hrs) – I continue to really enjoy this game. I think of all of non-story-based games I have, this one has one of the fastest completion times for a single game. Civilization 5 can take me a week or longer to finish. And my other games fall somewhere between these two. (With a few exceptions like Pacman CE DX)
Mass Effect (6 hrs) – I finished up my first non-Japanese RPG. There should be a blog post detailing that soon.
Mass Effect 2 (2 hrs) – When Dan learned I had finished ME but didn’t have ME2, he bought it for me during a Steam sale to ensure I’d be able to play it. I’ve barely gotten into this game, but I already am really enjoying the story. The only annoyance is that a bunch of keys have been remapped for part 2. I’m sure I’ll eventually get good at it.