Top 20 Pictures on Flickr

The top ten are mostly the same photos they’ve been for a while now, but the bottom ten have changed a bit. It’s very, very intersting (to me, at least) that every digital camera I’ve ever used is represented in the Top 20.

Inuyasha Cosplay

Ghetto Shoes

Reflections of Love #42

Reflections of Love #1024

The Impression Left On Me by the Offspring of Euler

Cayuga Lake

Rotation about the Elbow Axis

Cap and Gown Pictures - 09 (Cropped)

Wedding Ring and Anniversary Gift

How the Ad Industry Sees Us

Was Galileo Right?

Slope Day 9

Buried Cars

The Souce Emitting Countless Discrete Drops of Water and Creating Quite A Perturbation

British Iraq War Protest

merigold closeup 1


Andrew White Reading Room - 3

Mai and Megan

The End of the World