Tag: Linux Containers

  • Every once in a while the puerile makes me laugh

    Like these random container names that podman generated: # podman ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES b83a26bb2c5d docker.io/library/mysql:5.6 mysqld 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes ago>80/tcp hungry_wilson f35ec64d3b3c docker.io/pierrecdn/phpipam:latest apache2-foregroun… 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes ago>80/tcp nice_johnson Makes me think perhaps there should be a list of adjectives and…

  • LXC Project Part 3: Starting and logging into my first container

    Continuing my LXC project, let’s list the installed containers: lxc-ls That just shows the name of the container – lemmy. For completion’s sake, I’m going to start it as a daemon in the background rather than being sent straight into the console: lxc-start -n lemmy -d As per usual Linux SOP, it produced no output.…

  • LXC Project Part 2: Setting up LXC

    LXC Project Part 2: Setting up LXC

    I’m continuing on from yesterday’s post to get the VM ready to host LXC. I’m starting with Centos 7 so the first thing I had to do was enable the epel repos: yum install epel-release Then, according to the guide I was following, I had to also install these package: yum install debootstrap perl libvirt…

  • LXC Project Part 1: Bridging the Connection

    LXC Project Part 1: Bridging the Connection

    As I mentioned before, I’m looking at Linux Containers (LXC) to have a higher density virtualization. To get ready for that, I had to create a network bridge to allow the containers to be accessible on the network. First I installed bridge-utils: yum install bridge-utils -y After that, I had to create the network script:…