Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Strigi”
KDE 4 Look Part 3: A Week of KDE 4.5
So I’ve used KDE for about a work week. During that time I’ve pretty much gone to using the KDE versions of all my programs except Konqueror. I’m not sure if the Fedora 14 version of Konqueror is the one with Webkit, but last time I used Konqueror with KHTML it was mucking up a bunch of web pages including my blog. So I stuck with Google Chrome, which is what i use on Gnome, LXDE (Lubuntu on my laptop), and on my Windows 7 install. (Also, I stuck with gPodder for podcasts because that’s working perfectly) So how did it go? First of all, I love the stock screenshot tool in KDE, KSnapshot. I love that lets me choose full screen, region, window under cursor, and section of Window. With Gnome I hit print screen and then I have to edit the png in the GIMP. So it gives me less work for my Linux-related blogging.
The State of Desktop Search on Linux
Desktop search is one of those techs that keeps coming back and never really sticking. At least that’s how it seems to me. Look at how giddy I was about Beagle back in 2006. And I tried it and it was, generally, pretty awesome. It really worked well. It was like the speed of locate without having to wait until the database was updated at midnight. And it could see into IMs, MP3 metadata, emails and office documents. Now? According the the official website it’s no longer under active development. Perhaps that’s because they met all their goals. And that’s fine, but pretty much everyone switched over to tracker around 2008. I’m not quite sure why - perhaps all the anti-Mono hatred that went on. Fedora doesn’t even ship with Tomboy or F-Spot anymore. They’re there in the repos, but they aren’t the defaults.
Another Look at KDE and Amarok Part 1
As I’ve mentioned before, I used to be really excited about KDE. It’s been a while since I last looked at KDE. Well, technically, I couldn’t really do much there. But there’s this time I was able to look at it. Let me just say that I no longer agree that it’s uglier than Gnome. Take a look:
[caption id=“attachment_3694” align=“aligncenter” width=“500” caption=“My KDE 4.4 Desktop”] [/caption]
At first I was confused because the desktop background was not carried over to my right monitor. When I went to change the background I saw that they no longer put it all into one dialog. You need to go to each screen and manually set the background. While counterintuitive at first, it actually makes more sense this way. You can see my micro-blogging widget, calculator widget, and some folder views. The taskbar is looking nice and slick now. The KDE version of the system try is looking really nice. It has a very good slickness to it; to quote Aaron Seigo, “like something that might come out of Cupertino”. My FAVORITE part of KDE 4.4 vs Gnome 2.30 is the little “i” i the right corner. If you click there you can scroll back through all the system messages. So, whereas you might miss that in Gnome if you’re looking somewhere else or away from the computer, you can easily find and review the messages in KDE. At first the desktop was really slow and I thought “here we go again. I’m going to have to once again write off KDE 4.x as useless.” But it turns out that it was just Strigi/Nepomuk indexing my home folder. It’d be a year or more since I last loaded KDE 4, so it had a lot to index. When I also had some errors with Amarok (which I’m about to get to), I gave it a reboot in case KDE was having a fight with SELinux (as has happened in the past). Anyway, when I came back, Strigi was done and KDE was much more responsive. Konqueror had also been slow during the indexing, so I’ll want to test that in Part 2. I took a look at my old friend, Kopete. It was looking nice, if a bit cartoony compared to Pidgin. I’ll also want to take a closer look in Part 2. It didn’t support Facebook chat (as is supported in Pidgin via a plugin) which isn’t a killer, but it’s not good. Perhaps there’s a plugin there too? I’ll have to investigate that. What I was most curious about was Amarok. It was one of my biggest anchors to KDE back in the day and really my favorite music player.