Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Wifi”
Ubuntu to the Rescue: A Tale of Broadcom Wifi Drivers, Prerelease Software, and a new Acer Aspire One Netbook
note: I wrote this on 17 April, a full week before it is published on the blog
[caption id=“attachment_4398” align=“aligncenter” width=“450” caption=“Acer Aspire One - out of the box”] [/caption]
Nearly six years ago I bought my first laptop. I’d never seen the point of laptops over desktops - the value per dollar just isn’t there. But I was going to be traveling for work now and again and needed to be able to get in contact with the family while away. I got an old Acer that was on sale at best buy because it was the last one left. A year after buying that laptop, netbooks came out. I got my wife one of the first Asus EEE PCs because she was going on a work trip didn’t want to haul my heavy laptop around. So for the past few years we’ve traveled with both of those so I can use my laptop to watch my movies and she can use her netbook to watch hers. But I’m getting tired of that heavy laptop and now netbooks aren’t saddled with crippled versions of Linux and inferior hardware. So I got myself a new Acer Aspire One from Amazon. I’d seen the same one at Costco for $50 more (because it has double the battery life) and I’d wanted to get it for a while now. I’m going to be traveling to Chicago for a trip soon, and since my back has been giving me issues, I figured it was the time to go to a lighter laptop.
Migrating Tomboy to 64bit and Debian 5 Wifi Installation FAIL
I recently finally moved over to my 64bit computer. I’ve been using Fedora 10 64-bit for at least two weeks now. I was having a lot of trouble with migrating my Tomboy data over from the 32-bit install. It wouldn’t start up and the error message was not as helpful as it could have been. Eventually I dug around and found out I had to delete all the addin* files/folders in my .tomboy folder. After that everything worked fine.