Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Dina”
Some photos from Scarlett's Birthday Bash

Scarlett Fourth Birthday Portraits

Scarlett Fourth Birthday Portraits

Dina and Scarlett

Scarlett, her cake, and some fellow princesses

Dina and Scarlett

The kids and the grandparents on Scarlett's Birthday

Rapunzel Castle Cake

Scarlett Year Four Portraits - 2016-02-24--037-3-perfect
Dina's Wedding
Finally got the change to post some shots from Dina’s wedding. I didn’t take too many photos since I was shooting the official video. Enjoy:

Here Comes the Bride Sign

Dina's Dress and special hanger


Brian and Dina

Brian kisses Dina

Brian kisses Dina

Brian and Dina at the Gazebo

Kissing at the Gazebo

Leaving the Gazebo

The Bridal Party

Dina and Bride's Maids

Dina and Bride's Maids

Marlene and Noah

Daniel and Scarlett


Feeding Noah
And a couple videos of the kids dancing with Fran:
Late July to Early August Photojojo Time Capsule
This Photojojo time capsule contains Otakon photos as well as one of Dina and one of a strange car I saw on 295.
Mid-July Photojojo
Apparently my most interesting photos from this time last year were of my chilis and of Dina rock-climbing
Approximately a Year Later: Top 200 Photos #20
Since it took about a year for my Top 200 photos feature to run its course, I wanted to go back and see how things changed within the Top 20 in that year. When I posted the feature, this was #20:
Spotlight on Dina
[caption id="" align=“aligncenter” width=“500” caption=“Who, Me?”] [/caption]
A little series I’m starting with my favorite portraits for a particular person.
[caption id="" align=“aligncenter” width=“500” caption=“Dina and a Flower at a Wedding”] [/caption]
Dina facts:
- Real Dina smiles are great smiles
- Family is really important to Dina
- Dina’s closest friends are practically family (see above bullet)
- Dina’s pretty awesome on the piano, she doesn’t play for us often enough
[caption id="" align=“aligncenter” width=“500” caption=“Dina with good friends Lauren and Frances.”] [/caption]
Dina's Tiki Party 2009
[caption id="" align=“aligncenter” width=“500” caption=“Dina, Daniel, Ho, Beo, and Lauren put a lot of work into the decorations”] [/caption]
Last weekend I went to a graduation party Dina and Daniel organized to celebrate Dina, Ho, and Lauren’s graduation this year. It was a great BBQ event and I had a lot of fun. I only knew about 1/10th of all the people there, so I kept entertained mainly by ecording the events of the night with my cameras. I did end up speaking at length with some interesting people.
Dina's Graduation
[caption id="" align=“aligncenter” width=“500” caption=“Dina, a new graduate!”] [/caption]
A few weeks ago I attended Dina’s Bachelor’s Graduation. After having attended my own as well as Daniel’s, I had some idea of what to expect, but this was the first college graduation I had attended outside of Cornell. (Not counting my dad’s graduation when I was young) I have have come to believe that all college graduations are the same everywhere. It is a bit odd that Stony Brook used red gowns instead of black ones. The was also my first long outing with my GPS unit. Here’s where I ran around that day. First as a static PNG: