Review: Rave Master Vol. 9
By EricMesa
- One minute read - 190 wordsRave Master Vol. 9 by Hiro Mashima
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
While this continues the shonen tropes of the hero who can’t be beaten just because of his “can-do” attitude, Mr. Mashima increases the stakes and gives a compelling story behind the rise of Demon Card and the paths of the two Gales. It even has a silly joke to make up for the ridiculous name “Demon Card”. Apparently it was supposed to be “Demon Guard” and a typo messed it up. I wonder if it’s one of those katakana/kanji jokes or not.
As for the plot, I found myself wondering how we could be at this point in the story at volume 9 out of (what i know in the future compared to when Mr. Mashima was writing it) 33 volumes. Turns out he was thinking about ending the story here so that he could work on another project. Then he decided to explore more of the world and continue the story. We’ll see if the new and different stakes make the plot work better, worse, or just the same.
Onto Vol 10….