Review: Bait
By EricMesa
- 2 minutes read - 328 wordsMy rating: 3 of 5 stars
If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I’m not a huge romance person. This is my second romance, and coincidentally, also my second paranormal romance. But I’ve got acquired some romance books via giveaways, Humble Bundle, Story Bundle, and Amazon’s Kindle First giveaways. I am trying to read “all” my books rather than constantly spending money on the next new thing. So I ended up getting to Bait.
Despite the cover, I was pleasantly surprised with the story. Were there romance tropes? Of course! Characters falling in love ridiculously quickly, slap-slap-kiss, non-consensual things (although not noncon sex - so depending on how specific your triggers are…maybe OK?), hot bods, etc. But I thought the story was pretty decent, even if it’s a “step backwards” for women compared to, say, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Essentially, our main character is bait to attract vampires so the hunters can slay them. She’s been working this for a while, but THIS TIME she’s in over her head - both in terms of controlling her sexual attraction and in her job role. I thought Ms Nicholas created a good mythology around the vamps and the battle for power she ended up in the middle of. I also appreciated that, although part of a trilogy, it has a satisfying ending. Also, even though Goodreads has this book listed under Erotica (as well as Romance and other categories), I thought that the sex made sense within the context of the story and wasn’t the entire point of the book. In fact, there’s just two sex scenes in the entire book and they each last just a few paragraphs. In other words, this isn’t sex with a story glued to it. This is a story that happens to have sex.
I think if you like vampires and you like romances, it’s an easy recommendation and a relatively easy read.