Review: The Rapture of the Nerds: A tale of the singularity, posthumanity, and awkward social
By EricMesa
- One minute read - 187 wordsThe Rapture of the Nerds: A tale of the singularity, posthumanity, and awkward social situations by Cory Doctorow
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Once, a long time ago, I starting reading The Illuminatus Trilogy. I’m not sure why, but I think someone who was also into scifi had recommended it to me. Between its strange pacing and storytelling and sexual content I wasn’t quite ready for, I didn’t get it and quit early.
I often felt echoes of that while reading this book. It’s such a head trip that I often had no idea what in the world was going on. If I were a different personality or if I didn’t already know that I like Cory Doctorow, I might have quit the book early. It was very, very weird.
But in the end it gets three stars because it had some pretty interesting ideas about gender identity, the singularity, technology, and chaos. This wouldn’t be the first Doctorow book I’d give to someone who’d never heard of him, but it’s good once you’re done and meditate on what you just read.