Book Report 2015 Q2
By EricMesa
- One minute read - 130 wordsA mixture of a growing Ebook library, tracking my goals in Goodreads, and Calibre’s ability to generate a catalog have made me decide to start tracking things quarterly in the book dimension as well. Here’s my second report.
Total Ebooks: 417 (increase of 54 books)
Total Unread: 313 (increase of 45 so I’m reading them faster than I can add them…good)
Goodreads 2015 Challenge: 38 of 30 books complete. Last time I went way over. We’ll see what this year brings.
Goodreads Ratings:
5 stars: 8 books
4 stars: 20 books
3 stars: 7 books
2 stars: 3 books
Calibre Generated Stats:
404 authors (up from 314) Authors
414 books (up from 360) Books
44 Series (up from 37) Series
506 tags (up from 462 Tags) (Calibre calls them Genres)