Wondering if anyone else has experienced the following with civ4 special edition. According to the manual and discs, it says that disc 2 should be the disc to play from. However, on my computer it only loads off of disc 1.
Second, I read the terms of usage (the license) when I was a little bored today on time off from work. Did you know that to use a drive emulator like Alcohol 120% or others is against the license? I didn’t know that!
2 responses to “Civ4 Disc Error? plus one little thing…”
Yeah, I could only play off of disc 1 as well. Even more amusing, my version of the special edition was really very special. The fold out chart was in French. My french is pretty mediocre, so that makes the chart pretty useless to me.
If you read any of these EULAs it’s pretty clear that you don’t want to read them. I just click “agree” and figure no ones gonna come after me for any tiny inadvertent infractions I make as long as I’m not out to get the man or anything.
Oh, well not *everything* was French. My manual and everything else in the box were in English, it was just the foldout poster. Is it out in Canada? Maybe I got one of theirs? Haha, brings bilingual to a whole new level, instead of things being in both languages, you get some of each. 🙂