Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Kde4”
KDE Look Part 6: 4 Months In
I started using KDE in November of last yea r so I figured that I’d give an update on how things are working for me four months in. First off, KDE 4.6.x has not yet hit the official Fedora repositories. Since I like to yum upgrade or preupgrade from release to release, I try to stay with the official repos and RPMFusion. So no KDE 4.6 for me. At this rate, it doesn’t seem that it’s going to make it until around Fedora 15. But, if that means they iron out any extra bugs, that’s fine with me. So, with that said, let’s get to the info.
Developing my first plasmoid Part 1
I have three main hobbies: photography, my webcomic and programming. After spending a year working on my 365 Project, I’ve been taking a lot less photos as that part of my brain takes a break. After working with Dan to get the story for INM worked out through May of this year and working on strips that will appear this March, I wanted to take a bit of a break from that. The one bit of code I wrote for myself that I use on a daily basis is my flickr views code.
KDE 4 is out!
KDE 4.0 was released today! After seeing screenshots like the ones I want to share with you, I can’t wait to try it. Too bad Fedora won’t be including it until Fedora 9 in April.
All of the following images were produced by/for I’m just borrowing them for illustrative purposes.
First of all, here’s the default GUI:
Not too shabby. Looks pretty similar to KDE3, but with a “Vista Black” thing going on. But here’s where I really got excited: