Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Freshrpms”
FreshRPMs and Livna Join Forces
If you use Fedora and you want to be able to do useful things like play MP3s or DVDs you need to add an external repository like FreshRPMs or Livna. This is because MP3 playback is covered by patents in the United States, libdecss may be illegal to distribute, and a license agreement is required to playback DVDs. Ever since I tried Debian, I liked their way of doing things. The nonfree packages are in the official repos; they’re just disabled by default.
Recently I wanted to install VMWare on Danielle’s computer. I’ve installed Kubuntu on her Linux machine (Toad) and I wanted to get a clone over her Windows computer onto there in VMWare player. I used VMWare Converter to create the VMWare clone of her Windows computer and then put it into the Kubuntu box. But then there was a bit of a problem: the Ubuntu repositories did not have VMWare Player. I went to VMWare’s site and they only had rpms and the source code. I was hesitant to compile VMWare Player from source. I was sure it would be a monstrous mess. After all, I’d had problems with much less complicated programs.
Fedora 8 Upgrade Process
I tried upgrading Fedora 7 to Fedora 8 a few times when it first came out and it kept getting stuck at 26% in the dependency checking phase. I went on the fedora IRC room and I was told to remove my non-Fedora repos. I didn’t listen because that’s always the first thing they tell you to do and, in my experience, it never seems to be the true culprit. Then I found out online that the update servers were swamped when Fedora 8 first came out. Also, freshrpms didn’t appear to have any RPMs yet for Feodra 8. Tried it again today and it appears to be going much better. It’s taken around 2.5 hours, but the dependency check is almost done. I’m hoping to be able to upgrade today. This last part has been especially slow, so I’m hoping that within the next hour or two I’ll be able to start the actual upgrade process. I’ll post what happens here in case others are having similar problems.