Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Beach”
First time at the Beach
Scarlett’s first time at the beach was much younger - five or six months - but with the twins it was just a lot harder to go on vacation. There are two of them to deal with, to pack formula for, etc. Also, for a long time Stella would spontaneously throw up. We’d dealt with that with Scarlett when we went on the trip to her first Christmas - where she kept throwing up in the car. It’s not fun.
Tips for Beach Photography
Summer is here and for many of us that means going to a beach - whether it’s just a drive away or a cross-country flight. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up on photography! There are great opportunities whether you want to do landscape photography, wildlife photography, or portrait photography. Let’s start by talking about equipment. The equipment you bring to the beach depends on your purpose for being at the beach that day or that session. If you’re going specifically to take photos, then you’re probably OK bringing your dSLR and, optionally, flash. If you’re going to the beach to enjoy it and also want to take photos, you’re best off getting an underwater housing for your camera or getting a weatherproofed camera. Sand and sea salt (which is in the air at the beach) are both VERY bad for cameras and could wreck your expensive camera. If you will be having fun you don’t want to take the chance that someone who’s with you or a stranger kicks sand onto your camera accidentally. Also, sometimes waves can come up farther than you realized at first. An underwater housing or weatherproof camera is protected from the elements. It also has the bonus of allowing you to carry it with you into the water (should you happen to be at a beach where you can get into the water) and lessens the chances of your camera being stolen.
Top 200 Photos: #169
This Top 200 Photo was taken at the beach.
Alex would, at least in 2009, try and get right up in front of the camera if he noticed you taking a photo. It could spoil the photo you were trying to get a candid shot of, but it certainly made for a dynamic spontaneity that’s harder to capture as kids get older and self-conscious of their image.
June 2010 Background Calendar
A sunrise in Brighton Beach is the subject for June’s calendar.
[caption id=“attachment_3420” align=“alignnone” width=“400” caption=“June 2010 Calendar for Square Monitors”] [/caption]
[caption id=“attachment_3421” align=“alignnone” width=“480” caption=“June 2010 Calendar for Widescreen Monitors”] [/caption]