Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “General”
But it wasn't for production!
If you’re a developer you’re probably familiar with the idea that you will make a hack or a demo project just to demonstrate that the concept works and then management takes it and runs and next thing you know, your ugly hack is the production code.
Well, I guess this is because it’s the way things have been since the dawn of computing. According to the most recent episode of Red Hat’s Compiler podcast COBOL (the ancient language that still runs the key systems in the modern world) was only ever intended to be a stopgap language. It wasn’t meant to become so widely used.
Can't Let The Young Ones have all the D&D Fun
Found this in our local activities guide:
D&D for 55+
Although my brother who plays RPGs remarked $149 was pretty steep compared to looking up a video on Youtube.
Today in Programming: Python and Scratch
Once again I worked on some Scratch projects with the kids. This time it involved a sports theme. I let the kids choose which games they wanted to create and Sam chose to create the game where Scratch the Cat goes Skiing.
Having done this for a few weeks now, it wasn’t too much trouble to get things working and do a mod or two for Sam. The video below contains the code and a short video of Sam playing the game.
Disney continues to increase representation on TV with Mira, Royal Detective
Being a male, who’s racially white, I never had any trouble with finding representation on TV. This hasn’t always been the case for everyone, although it’s only recently (last 5ish years or so) that folks have begun to speak out on how important representation is. When you rarely see yourself in media, I’ve been told, you feel left out by the culture. Disney started rectifying this in its Disney Junior line; first with Doc McStuffins.
What Version Control looked like before I knew about VCS
Blender “version control” before I knew about VCS
Boy am I glad I know about svn and git now. It was such a mess before to keep track versions of files to be able to go back in the case of an error.
Milk Street's BBQ Rub #2
Tried Milk Street’s BBQ Rub #2 for the first time today on some chicken cutlets. Just pan fried for a quick meal. The taste ended up being very similar to chicken satay and I definitely found myself wishing I had some peanut sauce to eat with the chicken. The rub’s also recommended for fish and veggies so it’d be interesting to try on those. I’d also like to try it on food from out on the grill. So far it’s a good run, but not not Earth-shattering.
BBQ Danielle's Marinade Chicken
A week or so after the smoked chicken, Danielle did her marinade on a whole chicken we’d cleaved in half. I cooked it on the Weber Kettle at an average of 350 F and it came out GREAT! I did a 2 zone setup with the dark meat facing towards the fire. I took it out when the breasts were 160 (which was approximately 180 for the dark meat - which is the temp most people like dark meat). Look at how juicy that came out!
Way to make me feel old, Spotify. #ThrowbackThursday music today is from when I was in high school and beginning of undergrad.
2014 Blog Stats
Wordpress sent me my Jetpack stats email for 2014. Here’s what they said:
- Post with Most Views in one Day 2014: Using Digikam from the Point of View of a Lightroom User (10 Sept - 216 views)
- 76 New Posts
- 13 day streak - best streak
- Day of week with most posts? Wednesday (15 posts)
- Top 5 Posts: 1. Using Digikam from the Point of View of a Lightroom User 2. Visiting Disney with a 2 year old 3. Virtualbox vs KVM 4. Teenagers, Sex, School Sex Ed, and The Church 5. Leaving Crunchbang for Lubuntu
- Top referrers:,,,, and
A Small Change at the ends of the Posts
I’ve been working with my host to try and figure out why my relatively low traffic site has been having issues. So I’ve rejiggered WP Super CACHE to work well on the site and I’m using Cloudfare on most, if not all, of my Wordpress blogs. Yet I’m still getting some periods of time where the site’s offline. So, after many years I’m getting rid of Sociable and YARPP (which produces related posts). YARPP, in particular, if often called out as a plugin that requires a lot of resources. Here’s how things looked before I changed it:
Today in It's A Binary World Blogging History
One Year Ago Today: Politics: Illicit Acquisition of Game of Thrones in Australia and the Death of CISPA
Five Years Ago Today: I discuss my 365 Project.
October Calendar
I forgot the September calendar! (Whoops!) Here’s the October calendar. Click on the image for your monitor’s resolution and then set it as your desktop.
[caption id=“attachment_3659” align=“aligncenter” width=“400” caption=“Oct 2010 Desktop for Square Monitors”] [/caption]
[caption id=“attachment_3660” align=“aligncenter” width=“480” caption=“Oct 2010 Desktop for Widescreen Monitors”] [/caption]
A Sunday Afternoon Bike Ride
[caption id="" align=“aligncenter” width=“500” caption=“Danielle with her bike”] [/caption]
There were a few things we were excited about being able to do once we had a house - do laundry without sharing the machines, get away from noisy wall/ceiling neighbors, BBQ in our yard, and own bicycles. Being extremely clean, we were unable to own bikes at the apartment because we had nowhere to store them. Last Sunday we finally got around to buying some bikes. After getting them home to tune them up and get the tires filled with air, we contemplated where we should go for our first ride. Mind you, this would be our first bike ride in at least 3-4 years. Insanely, I suggested the BWI airport loop trail. My main reason: I knew where it was and we had run on it before. We had never run more than 2.5 miles of the trail, but we had been there and were familiar with it. So we set off on the trail. We didn’t know it yet, but it looked like this:
And we're back!!
Hey Everyone! Yesterday my server died. I finally bit the bucket and rented a VPS. Sadly this means that I am no longer hosting my own site on my own personal server. However, hopefully this will translate to greater reliability for you guys. You no longer have to go through my POS home router and crappy comcast upload speeds. So I hope it’s a better, faster experience for you guys now. It’s great to be back!!!
Happy Birthday!
You know who you are. I just didn’t want to give identity theives more info.
Congrats Danny!
On graduation from Cornell!
Although, since you’ve done a summer job every summer, like me, you probably won’t notice that you’ve graduated until winter comes around and you don’t get a winter break.
I don't know if this is real, but if it is....
It’s AWESOME! Check out the video i n this post from Andrew’s blog. If you ever played the original Nintendo, you’ll go nuts.
Royal Mess?
England is, well, England
Great Britain is England, Scotland and Wales
United Kingdom is England, Scotland, Wales, and South Ireland.
The British Isles are England, Scotland, wales, South Ireland, North Ireland, and some other little islands.