T-Shirts: The W's
By EricMesa
- One minute read - 174 wordsWelcome to a new set of posts in which I take a look at the t-shirts I’ve accumulated and comment on why I have them and what they mean to me.

It was the 1990s. I was fully into my Christian revival and the USA was into swing music. I was at a concert to see my new, favorite ska band, Five Iron Frenzy.
I was there with friends from school/Church:



And my girlfriend at the time:
And then this goofy band came on stage, playing SWING MUSIC! The songs were fun and we were all into swing at the time.

And I ended up buying this t-shirt at the concert. I got both of their albums. Then the swing crazy died away and so did the band. But the concert (which was only my first or second concert in high school) was such a blast, wearing the shirt reminds me of times long past. And every once in a while it’s a conversation piece when another former fan sees it.