6 Oct 2010 0638
I forgot to mention yesterday how neat it was to see cacti in the wild. It’d seen them in arboretums and botanical gardens, but this was the first time I saw them growing in their natural environment. Biggest impression: unlike cartoons, the “arms” are not even. Some of them even have only one “arm”.
6 Oct 2010 1125
Just got to my hotel, although they can’t check me in until 1500 or 1600. The trip up was insane. It rained so hard that, at points, I had to go 30 MPH just to see where I was going. Later, during the drive, it was hailing very hard. Near Flagstaff we saw evidence of tornadoes – electric poles ripped in half and tipped tractor trailers. As we neared the park there was even snow on the side of the road! I was disappointed that we are so far north that there are no cacti. It’s all regular trees. (Deciduous and Pine)
4 responses to “Grand Canyon Trip: 6 Oct 2010 Part 1”
Screenshots or it didn’t happen.
@Dan Actually, I think I saw the same storm :). Yes, it hailed, yes there were warnings of remotely possible tornadoes. And yes, it is in the weather records http://www.weather.com/weather/monthly/USAZ0089 (blgh, weather.com doesn’t provide narratives of past dates…)
Haha, yeah, I do believe it did happen, I was just hoping that Eric would put some pictures up for this post since he did for the last one.
Yeah, no illustrations for that day