A Daily Photo: Lomography Store

Lomography Table

What can I say about visiting the Lomography store that hasn’t already been said? It provides a very interesting contrast with B&H Photo Video. B&H is a photographer’s sex dream. There are cameras and lenses of all kinds everywhere (on the second floor, nowadays). A conveyor belt system brings your order to the guy taking your order and then over to where you pay. It is massive (taking up a good chunk of 9th and 34th) and it feels chaotic on a Sunday afternoon. You instantly feel as though you need to win the lotto so you can posses it all. It feels like a microcosm of NY with people trying to get every which way and pushing around.

The Lomography store, on the other hand, was empty save for Danielle, Daniel, and I. It’s has a very casual feel to it and I almost felt time slow when I entered. They only sell Lomography-style cameras and film for said cameras. But then again, B&H is for pros (and enthusiasts) and Lomography appeals to a hipster hipper crowd.