Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Xorg.conf”
Ubuntu 8.10 does away with xorg.conf
One of the biggest Ubuntu stories on the net is the elimination of xorg.conf. They haven’t made it unnecessary, they’ve completely eliminated it. If you create one and edit it - it will have no effect. I have not yet upgrade to 8.10, so I can’t verify it, but so far I haven’t seen any news to the contrary. I think this is very much against the spirit of Linux. I think that people should not have to know that an xorg.conf exists, but I think if you are “smart” enough to know about it and want to muck about then you should be able to. Perhaps you want to run your monitor at a non-standard resolution or refresh rate; Or maybe the default settings don’t work well. Ubuntu - let’s make xorg.conf available for the tweakers and uncessary for the tyros. Then we will have the best of both worlds.