Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “X-Men”
Looking Back at Comic Books
Recently I was thinking about cataloguing my comic books. Recent family events convinced me to get on with it and so I spent all weekend putting the information into the KDE collection database Tellico. It had lots of useful fields to fill out, so I figured I was probably only going to do this once and so I may as well do it correctly. I entered in the names of the writers, pencillers, inkers, and so on. And I learned some interesting stuff.
Review: Scott Pilgrim vs The World
It took a bit of convincing from Dan, but eventually I read the Scott Pilgrim graphic novels. I knew right away that this was a book written for people like me. Just like Dr Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog, people older or younger than me would never get the full appreciation of all the references. I thoroughly hated the eponymous protagonist until I got near the end of the book and realized why he was so annoying. So, once my brother got the movie on Blu-ray, I knew it’d be just a matter of time before I saw it. I think the movie’s casting was spot-on. The actors who played Kim Pine, Knives Chau, Wallace Well, and Young Neil were perfect. Their delivery (and, to some extent, appearance) was exactly what I pictured it would be like. Michael Cera was even a really good choice for Scott. He wasn’t as perfect, but he did a good job and it fit his acting abilities. Ramona Flowers’ actress was also good, although not as great as the others.