Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Ubuntu-9.10”
Review: Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit
[caption id=“attachment_3068” align=“aligncenter” width=“300” caption=“Ubuntu 9.10 liveCD boots up”] [/caption]
I last looked at Ubuntu 9.04 a little over six months ago. So I decided it was time to see what has changed. Since I’m now testing on a 64-bit machine, I decided to test the 64-bit version of Ubuntu. So here we go:
[caption id=“attachment_3069” align=“aligncenter” width=“300” caption=“Ubuntu 9.10 loading”] [/caption]
I like the desktop, it looks pretty good. I liked 9.04 a little better, but there’s nothing wrong with this one.
The K Release
A few days ago it was announced that the Ubuntu release after Jaunty Jackalope will be known as Karmic Koala. The funny thing is that a few months ago my friends and I were racking our brains for a K adjective and all we could come up with was Keen. I was sure it would be Keen Koala or Keen Kangaroo. The most interesting thing about Karmic Koala is that they will supposedly be considering getting away from brown. Then again, they’ve been going on and on about a new art style for a few releases now. We’ll see what they actually do. I’m mostly excited for the new notification style in Jaunty and to see if/how this will be implemented in Crunch Bang Linux.