Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Travel”
One Less Reason to go to the United Kingdom
[caption id=“attachment_4400” align=“aligncenter” width=“604”] Laptops might be seized at the UK border[/caption]
Orgzine has an article complaining that in the UK when crossing the border you don’t get the same protections as you do within the borders. This does not surprise me since we have the same issue over here and we tend to have more robust civil liberties than our cousins across the pond. (Hence why libel suits are so often filed in England - their definition of libel is slanted in favor of the company or star while ours is the other way around) Basically, if you’re going to England you better take a burner phone and burner laptop because:
Blog Review: Jeffrey Friedl's Blog
Jeffrey Friedl and I share a few similarities: we both are computer programmers, love photography, and enjoy blogging. Unlike me, however, Jeff is an expat living in Japan. Also unlike me, he has a great photo blog. Jeff documents his travels throughout the islands of Japan as well as his daily life in his blog. Ocassionally, he also blogs about technical issues or new tech toys he bought or new Adobe Lightroom Plugins he has developed.
B&H Evenspace Presentation: Travel Photography
[caption id="" align=“aligncenter” width=“500” caption=“B&H Event Space - Where B&H holds classes on various topics”] [/caption]
[caption id="" align=“alignleft” width=“240” caption=“Rudy Winston of Canon”] [/caption]
So the first B&H Event Space lecture I ever went to was earlier this April in a class about Travel Photography taught by Rudy Winston, an employee of Canon. His lecture was about taking a vacation specifically to get certain photos. In other words this was not about improving your photography while on vacation with the rest of the family. However, I found that a lot of the tips worked equally well for either kind of trip. Another key part of his lecture was taking pictures with the intention of loading them into a slideshow program as a means of sharing it with others. Before beginning the lecture, Rudy showed his slideshow and here’s what I picked up from that.
Airlines Getting Desperate for Cash?
On a recent business flight I took, I noticed that my tray table had become an advertisement for cough drops Also, a plane ticket, which I, regrettably, did not photograph, had an advertisement for Papa Johns Pizza. Has it come to this? Are the airlines so desperate for cash that they have resorted to selling ad space on their tray tables and tickets. Flying used to be a refined affair that people got dressed up for. Now we have the same airlines that charged us so much money without giving us any food to eat, advertising on the tray tables.