Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Terry-Gilliam”
Terry Gilliam's Brazil
I recently saw Terry Gilliam’s Brazil after hearing discussion of the main character being a hacker as part of a recurring segment on The Command Line where the podcaster compares characters from literature and movies to hackers (in the original sense of the word). Watching this 1985 movie in 2011 was a very interesting experience.
***WARNING: there may be spoilers ahead***
Just to get this out of the way: Brazil does not take place in Brazil. It takes place in some unnamed country full of British speaking people and a couple of people with American accents. The title of the movie comes from a famous song (in our world as well as the world of the movie) that often has its title shortened to Brazil. Temporally, the movie takes place “in the future”. The country depicted in this future is very similar to George Orwell’s 1984, complete with Ministry of Truth-like propaganda posters up all over the place.