Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Pvz”
When Achievements are a Good Thing
?At first I ridiculed achievements/trophies. The idea that grown men and women (and, heck anyone over 12 years old) would care about getting these achievements enough to continue playing through their games until they earned them all seemed ludicrous. Then, I acknowledged it was a fun way to compete with friends in games that are otherwise single player experiences. In time I came to understand the idea behind achievements, both for compulsive people and regular folks. From my non-scientific observations, it appears that people who play video games tend to be more likely to be compulsive people. The video game companies figured this out and then realized that if they created trophies for all kinds of situations in a game, that most people would keep playing until they got all of them. Perhaps this would keep them from trading in a game long enough that it would kill the market for used games.