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KDE Look Part 5: KOffice 2
Back when I first started using Linux I was using a very underpowered computer that I got donated as part of my research at school. So was a real pain in the butt to use. It took forever to load! KOffice, on the other hand, loaded up quickly. At that time, with KOffice 1, they had the presentation program, the spreadsheet, and the word processing program.
At the time there were two neat things about KWord that I really liked and they both stemmed from something I was doing at the time. I was the head of the Phi Sigma Pi (scholastic frat) alumni team. We had a newsletter to get out. Turned out that KWord, as it worked at the time, allowed for very easy desktop publishing. I don’t think it was intended to replace Scribus, but when compared to Microsoft Word or Writer, it was MUCH easier to set the layout. That made it really easy to create. With MS Word (at least 2000 and 2003) it was SUCH a PITA to try and get images where you wanted to be and to have text properly wrap around it. We had all kinds of issues in this class I took my sophomore year in which we had a tutorial class session on how to do this and it was still horrible to work with. KWord also had the ability to output to PDF which was great as I was trying to help the frat save money by seeing if we could get the alumni to accept emails instead of letters. They ended up rebuffing that offer, but at least it was something I was able to do. (I hadn’t discovered cutePDF and other ways to create free PDFs on Windows)