Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Jpeg”
Falling Behind With Image Formats
As I’ve been exploring the move from Wordpress over to Hugo, I’ve learned that Hugo has pipelines that can run when it “compiles” the site. One such set of pipelines can automatically convert images to different formats or change the resolution of the image. They give the example of WebP and how it can potentially be smaller than a JPEG image without a perceptible loss of quality. I remember when there was a big controversy with Wordpress because after not having support for WebP for so long, they decided they were going to convert everyone’s image to WebP after upload. For image-heavy sites this could result in a large hard disk usage, so I think the conversion was left as opt-in. As I started researching, I found out that WebP is SOOO 14 years ago! The new format supported by all the browsers is AVIF. This is supposed to be every better for photographic images than WebP. But even THAT is not the newest (and supposed) best format as that would be JPEG XL. However, Google took it out of Chromium due to a “lack of desire” and since every browser but Firefox is Chromium, that’s as good as a ban on the format.