Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Hate-Plus”
2014 Video Games Report and Game of the Year
This year I did not play as many new games as in previous years. I was deep in my graduate degree and most of my free time was during work travel. Since I don’t have a powerful laptop (and Steam on Linux was just taking off early on this year anyway), most of that time was spent reading. Still, I did play some great games and still managed to log in quite a few hours.
February Video Game Report: Civ, Analogue & Hate Plus Review
Civilization V ( 20 hrs):
[caption id=“attachment_7758” align=“aligncenter” width=“480”] Civ 5 - Lefties 1896[/caption]
Dido tried to be opportunistic and attack me while I was at war with the Celts. Now she is facing my wrath. I will not stop until she has been wiped off the map.
[caption id=“attachment_7768” align=“aligncenter” width=“480”] Civ 5 - Lefties 1898[/caption]
Left a contingent behind to make sure the Celts don’t get cute.