Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Fisa”
Telco Immunity
There’s been a lot of news for the past 3-6 months about the new FISA bill and how it provides immunity for the telecommunications companies. A lot of people including the Electronic Frontier Foundation are opposed to this provision of the bill (if not bill in its entirety) because they say the telcos have acted illegally by assisting the Executive Branch with their warrentless wiretapping of phone calls. The reason they argue this is illegal is that the original FISA bill, as written in the 1970s (and ammended throughout the years) requires a warrant for all wiretapping of US Persons. That includes foreigners who are physically in the United States. As the New York Times revealed in 2005, the Bush Administration started acting against this law in 2001 because of opinions written by some radicals in the Justice Department (such as Yoo).