Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Acer-Aspire-One”
Changing the Acer Aspire One OS again
As you know, I had CentOS 7 on the Acer Aspire and it was working fine. After CentOS 8 came out, I went ahead and installed it there. It worked fine, but there aren’t as many packages in EPEL for CentOS and RHEL 8. I went on a journey to try and get the i3 window manager working, but I would have had to recreate way too many packages in order to get it to work. So I tried to go to Ubuntu. I couldn’t find a minimal installer that wasn’t for servers, so I went with the Kubuntu install, intending to use that to install qtile or another tiling manager (the resolution on this thing is just too atrocious for a real Window Manager or Desktop Environment). But Kubuntu was just insanely buggy - probably due to the low specs of the netbook. Also, apparently qtile had been knocked out of the Ubuntu repos. The qtile documentation implied it was still available in Debian, so I put Debian on the netbook using a minimal install where I went ahead and install LXQT just to be on the safe side and have some kind of GUI if things didn’t work out. At first wifi wasn’t working, but eventually I landed on this page which explains all the quirks of installing on the Acer Aspire One. I had to enable the non-free repos and install the broadcom-sta-dkms driver. After a reboot, I finally had wifi. Unfortunately, qtile isn’t in the Debian repos anymore either. So I’m going to give installing from pypi a shot and if not, maybe try Arch?
There’s a lot that’s gotten to feel old with my Acer Aspire One. I hate the pitifully low screen resolution and it doesn’t even have enough oomph to run KDE netbook. But one thing I DO like about it - it has lots of USB ports. I hear many of the newer computers are aping apple and reducing ports.