Review: Brief Cases
By EricMesa
- 2 minutes read - 339 wordsMy rating: 5 of 5 stars
Overall, these stories are more relevant to the main storyline than the Brief Cases stories were. Definitely recommend reading where it takes place in the timeline.
A Fistful of Warlocks - Lots of fun with wizards in the wild West. Would like to see Butcher do as he says he wants and set more stories in this part of the Dresden timeline.
B is For Bigfoot: I reread this Bigfoot story. I liked how Harry solved it. Very un-Dresden-like, but also true to character.
AAAA Wizardry - a neat framing story for a Dresden case that expands the Paranet.
Curses - stories like this one make me miss the more straight-forward detective stuff with all the drama going on in the main story. I get that Butcher has an overarching story, but I love the detective stories with a bit of magic.
Even Hand - One of the fun things in Butcher’s short stories is him taking the opportunity to put us in the heads of other characters. This was a great chance to see how Marcone thinks and to perhaps set up some foreshadowing for and an eventual storyline in the main story.
Bigfoot on Campus - Reading this for the second time, now that I’m caught up with the Dresden timeline (the Bigfoot trilogy was my entrance into The Dresden Files) I can appreciate a lot of the smaller details that I missed the first time.
Bombshells - rectifies some of the damage of Cold Case, I think. Plus it was fun to be in Molly’s mind.
Cold Case - Molly’s inauguration into her new job. She does well, but learns some intense lessons.
Jury Duty - another great story that puts Dresden back in the real world
Day One - we see Butter in the aftermath of what happens in one of the mainline stories. Love it!
Zoo Day - I’m a sucker for Rashomon stories, so I loved this one.