Review: Peace Talks

Peace Talks by Jim Butcher

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a way to end a book. Thank goodness I’m reading this when book 17 is already out. That said, I’m not sure the next book isn’t going to have a cliff-hanger based on what’s supposed to happen in that book.

In these reviews I’ve been talking about overarching plot arcs. This appears to be the penultimate story before the third arch finishes. Afterwards, if Butcher maintains his original plot pace – we’ve got about 3 more books worth of setup leading to a trilogy that is all climax. (Total of 23 books)

This book is a bit of a calm before the storm in which Dresden has to deal with the fallout of the last few books as well as the reader FINALLY seeing what all of the plotting has been leading towards. In fact, even though they are missing from this book, we even get mentions that Harry should watch out for the denarians (don’t want to mention who because it could be a spoiler), and a certain vampire that has caused him trouble in the past. We even get the first main book appearance of Rivers Shoulder, who had previously only appeared in the short stories.

I don’t know when the chickens will come home to roost, but I think Molly’s story is going to end up playing a big part. I feel like it’s been building and building constantly, but hasn’t quite had resolution, especially with her current role. Time will tell what Butcher has planned.

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