Review: Peter Reinhart's Artisan Breads Every Day
By EricMesa
- One minute read - 174 wordsPeter Reinhart’s Artisan Breads Every Day by Peter Reinhart
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
In a short time I’ve read 2 Reinhart bread books (and am working on another). It’s interesting to see his bread techniques evolve. Although, he’s careful to say that the techniques in this book aren’t necessarily better than what he developed in the previous books, this one does potentially allow the home baker to do some prep work throughout the week and bake bread on a reasonable schedule. In essence, these are all recipes where you mix the bread and then put it in the fridge for 1-4 days and shape/bake it when you take it out. This means that on baking day you can potentially have your bread cooling after just 2.5ish hours - making it possible to bake and still have a job.
I haven’t made any of these recipes yet, but the bagel recipe in here seems to be the easiest one I’ve ever seen, so I might start with that one.