Review: The Story Behind: The Extraordinary History Behind Ordinary Objects
By EricMesa
- One minute read - 145 wordsThe Story Behind: The Extraordinary History Behind Ordinary Objects by Emily Prokop
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I’ve always liked books, articles, and podcasts about little trivia like this. There are so many objects in our world and they each have a history! We often gloss over those things that have existed since we were born. For me that includes all the items on the cover (like the traffic lights and the slinky). What separates this book from others in the same genre is that the author isn’t afraid to say when the true story is unknown or when there are multiple claims to the creation of a particular object.
Since the stories are pretty short (3-4 pages in epub format on my smartphone), they’re great for reading if you’re stuck in line somewhere or for the proverbial bathroom book.