Review: Nightmare magazine 122: November 2022

Nightmare magazine 122: November 2022 by John Joseph Adams

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

I really was not feeling it with this issue. The editor mentions that these are all stories in Weird Horror. I’m not a big fan of Weird Science Fiction either, so I’m not surprised these stories all bounced off of me.

Devil Take Me – The main character is a kid in an abusive household. Things got a little too metaphorical and weird and I couldn’t really understand the source of the horror or what was going on.

Ant Twin – a flash fiction that is much more weird than horrific.

Only When You Laugh – another kid in an abusive household. Takes place in a world in which jokes are eggs that people showcase. It was just too weird and I couldn’t really get the payoff.

For You We Were Strangers in Egypt – a poem I didn’t quite get.

Sole Survivor – the author talks about how horror helped them deal with some trauma, then became worse for them, then they shifted to another sub-genre of horror.

Panel Interview – asian diaspora horror authors. This was the best part of this issue, for me, as the authors speak about being horror authors and how it has dovetailed with coming to terms with their identities are part of a diaspora.

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