Ubuntu 8.04 Released Today!
By EricMesa
- One minute read - 118 wordsUbuntu 8.04, Hardy Heron will be released today. As the name implies, 8.04 will be Hardy because it is a Long Term Support (LTS) version. This means that for 18 months they will release security updates. What does that really mean? It means that if you like Ubuntu, but don’t feel like upgrading every six months, you can stick with Hardy Heron for 3 release cycles. You won’t get the latest programs, but you’ll get security updates to protect you against crackers, viruses, and other malicious things.
Ubuntu 8.04 should also mark a new release of gNewSense, the Free Software Foundation’s pure libre GNU/Linux distrobution, which I will review in due time and compare to my previous experience.