Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Xfce”
My Newfound Love for Xfce!
For the past week to two weeks I’ve done something I had’t done in years - I switched my default desktop environment in my GDM login screen. I’ve been logging into Xfce instead of my usual Gnome. There are basically three reasons why I’m loving Xfce over Gnome.
First of all, I love the theme. I know it’s just Bluecurve, Redhat’s theme, for the Window manager, but I just love how it looks compared to Gnome. I can’t really explain it, but there’s something about the share of blue they’ve chosen and the way it blends with the White of the letters and min, max, close buttons that’s very, very pleasing to my eye. It’s definitely one of those subjective things and I’m sure there are others who will disagree with me, but I think it’s beautiful. There’s something about the shades of blue they use that I just love. (For the curious, the theme of the desktop environment is Clearlooks, their newest theme, but that’s not available as a theme for the Window Manager)
The future of Compiz-Fusion
Compiz-Fusion, as you surely know is responsible for eye candy on GNU/Linux distros such as windows that turn into paper airplanes when the user minimizes it to turning the desktop into a spinning cube. There’s something about the wobbly windows that provides some a sense of inertia that just makes things feel a little more dynamic on the desktop. I can’t explain it, but some of the effects make the GUI slightly more useful. However, Compiz-Fusion isn’t perfect.