Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “National-Novel-Writing-Month”
Participating in the 2010 NanoWrimo
Since apparently I’m a crazy person who thinks he has so much free time, I’ve decided to participate in this year’s National Novel Writing Month. The goal is to write a 50,000 word novel in one month. Oh yeah, and I waited until 9 Nov to start. I’d heard about it on NPR and on Linux Outlaws and I thought - why not? The website seems to have a Lomography vibe to it - just write and don’t worry about editing until later. I love working under constraints. I feel that my 365 Project really pushed me to learn a LOT more about photography and techniques - especially lighting. Anyway, you can follow my progress on the NanoWrimo site here. See if I can make it or not. Whatever I have at the end of the project will be posted here under a Creative Commons license and probably also posted to