Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Mame”
The Future of Today's Games
[caption id=“attachment_5709” align=“aligncenter” width=“400”] Final Fantasy VII on pcsx-r[/caption]
Recently I was putting away my old video game systems into deep storage. The Playstation 2 hadn’t been played in a year and I didn’t want to clutter up my entertainment console with unused systems. So I started exploring the emulation landscape on last generation’s systems. Would I be able to play last generation’s games on my computer if it tickled my fancy? It turns out that, at least for Playstation 1 and 2, they work just as well as on the system for all the games I own. When I first discovered emulators, I used them to play Chrono Trigger in the high school library when I was bored. When I went back to them in college, it was to play arcade games from my childhood on MAME.
Linux never ceases to amaze...
You may or may not know this, depending upon how technologically inclined you are, but you can buy ROMs of the old classic arcade games like Ms Pacman, Arkanoid, Spaced Invader, and much more. (You can also download them off of limewire or kazaa, but that’s illegal if you don’t own the arcade machines) Then there is a group which has developed a program known as the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME) which you can use to play these old games. “So?” you may be thinking, “I can find shareware versions of all of those games.” Yes, but this is the actual original version of the game pulled right off the arcade machine without any changes to it whatsoever! What could you do with this? You could do what thousands (or at least hundreds) have already done: build your own arcade machine! There are a few webpages and books on the subject, I know there is one really good book on the subject available at Borders, I can’t remember the title, but it’s fairly obvious. Something like, “Build Your Own Arcade Machine.”