Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Itunes”
Another Reason Why People Illicitly Download TV Shows
My father-in-law is over today and he’s been dying to watch the Bizarre Foods Paris episode. I’m opposed to buying video media off of iTunes because of the digital restrictions management (DRM). But, he’s been wanting to watch that episode forever and we no longer have cable so I can’t record it onto MythTV. We bought it off of iTunes and then tried to watch it in iTunes. It was skipping and stuttering worse than a Youtube video. It was reminding me of the old dialup days when the buffer would keep running out. Any TV show I have ever downloaded for free off the net has not had this problem - it has played flawlessly - even if it was an HD recording. So why should I pay $2 for a stuttering video when I could get it for free and have HD quality?? And I’m not the only one - I searched the web and 3 million pages came up on this issue. The solution was to play it in Quicktime, outside of iTunes. This is ridiculous - pay content should NEVER be worse quality than free content if you want people to pay. That is, after all, how the free market works.
Taking another look at Songbird
It’s been a really long time since I last looked at Songbird. In fact, according to my blog, the last time I checked it out was version 0.2 back in October of 2006. The UI certainly has a bit more polish. I submitted some bug reports on their Bugzilla about Metadata problems with WMAs and problems with podcasts. Eventually, I just got frustrated and stopped using it. I updated to version 0.4 a while back, but it still seemed a bit unstable. With Rhythmbox and Amarok meeting my needs on Linux, and with me hating Windows Media Player so much, I’ve pretty much stopped listening to music on my Windows computer.
A Novel iTunes Exploit
Brought to us by Randal Monroe of xkcd:
Also, you much check this one out both for its mention of Python and the Asus EEE PC.