Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “I-Bring-Nothing-to-the-Table”
Dan gets shiny new blog URL
And we just about got all the kinks worked out. So update your links to point to
Blog Review: I bring nothing to the table
[caption id="" align=“alignleft” width=“160” caption=“Dan, of “I Bring Nothing to the Table””] [/caption]
First mentioned in this post , Dan’s been blogging on this server for just over a year. So how has the blog come along in these 13 months? Very well, I’d say. By the Google search results metric, Dan is doing very well. He’s been driving the bulk of our Google search related traffic with his sports and video game posts. (My posts tend to spread by word or mouth or search engines other than Google)
Dan's got a brand new blog
And it is hilarious! So Dan finally got around to updating the blog I created for him on my server. He gave it a pretty witty name “I Bring Nothing To The Table” which is a great pun on our last name. (Although I recently found out he saw it on a T-shirt, so, while still cool, is not worth as many cool points as before) If you read nothing else on his blog, you MUST read this post in which he gives his British friend some tips on Americanisms. It is one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard come out of Daniel’s head. So go and check it out and laugh out loud…