Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Hulu”
What happens when no one obeys anymore?
A lot of people have been warning that rules/laws that everyone considers stupid are a very dangerous thing. Essentially, what happens when every single person you know is a “criminal”? It begins to create a sense that rules are pointless and if everyone’s disobeying this rule, why not disobey that one and so on. These people see the current problems with copyright infringement as potentially being the catalyst to the end of civilized society. I’m not sure I would go that far by a long shot, but it is an interesting question.
Hulu's Streaming FAIL
There’ve been a lot of people recently on the MythTv mailing list talking about Boxee as a convenient way to was content on Hulu. However, the Boxee developers have blogged that Hulu has nixed that idea. ( And here’s Hulu’s side of the story) I read a bunch of comments as well as both of those blog posts (I also read this great blog post) and the only conclusion I can come up with is that the TV execs that license their content to Hulu are braindead. Here are the best reasons I read in the comments (summarized for brevity) :