Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Easter”
Easter at the Park
This year we went to the park for their Easter festivities. Enjoy the photos I took there.



















Scarlett's Easter Photos
As I continue to catch up, I arrive at the Easter Portraits I took of Scarlett this year. Enjoy!

Scarlett Easter 2017

Scarlett Easter 2017

Scarlett Easter 2017

Scarlett Easter 2017

Scarlett Easter 2017

Scarlett Easter 2017
Easter Portraits of the Kids
You never know what’s going to happen when you try to take portraits of babies. Throw in the extra unpredictability of kids of any age and it’s a crapshoot whether a photo shoot is going to turn out to be fun with rewarding photos or a series of photos of your children crying.
One thing we have on our side with the studio being in the basement is that we can take photos when the kids are ready, not on a hope and prayer that they’ll be ready when we get to Sears, Target, or wherever people are getting portraits done nowadays. So we started off with easy portraits in the morning on the “Baby Portrait Couch”. Hey, it’s a tradition started with Scarlett!
Scarlett colors some Easter Eggs
You’re never 100% sure what kids are going to enjoy. We know that Scarlett loves painting. Would she love coloring Easter Eggs? The answer was YUP!

The colors are ready for Scarlett to dip the eggs in.

Scarlett dipping eggs

The green egg

All the eggs absorbing colors

Colored eggs

Colored Eggs

Colored eggs after Scarlett paints them
Photojojo for Mid April
It’s once again time for my biweekly Photojojo post. For those of you who haven’t been following my blog for a long time, Photojojo is a digital time capsule service. Every two weeks they send me an email that has my most interesting photos posted to flickr from one year ago.
I took a long time to publish the previous post, so here we are again. It’s mostly Scarlett Easter photos. As I sit here and look at a photo of this year’s Easter photo, it’s pretty awesome to see how much she’s changed. For one thing, she’s mobile now, so it was a challenge to get her to sit there while we took the photo. For another, she can actually sit on her own.