Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Death”
Thoughts on Death
Today I went to the funeral of my wife’s uncle. It was a Catholic Mass, so it was pretty interesting trying to match up the Vietnamese with what I knew from English mass. It was also interesting to hear how the priest pronounced “amen” and “hallelujah”. So far in my life I’ve been to two Cuban funerals and one Vietnamese funeral. One of the Cuban funerals was a masonic funeral. The other was Protestant. Really the only difference in my limited experience is that the Vietnamese take photos and video to document the event.
new stuff
My grandmother was buried today. Everything has revolved around the burial and funeral. It’s been weird meeting people and talking about the future with these sad events around. Not much else to say - I’m very low on sleep. The funeral went from 4p to 1a. Burial stuff began at 9a.
Didn’t think I’d ever say this, but I’m looking forward to Cornell.
Thanks, my love, for being here for me these past few days.