Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Boxee”
Boxee: Further Impressions
After writing my Boxee review based on my experience over the weekend, I tried to use it again Tuesday and Wednesday. There two shows that I watch Tues-Friday: The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. I’m not sure what API or screen scraping Boxee uses for these sites, but it needs to be improved. When I went to look for Monday’s episode on Tuesday, it wasn’t there. And Colbert didn’t appear to have any shows since mid-November. That tipped me off to check their websites and see that they did, indeed, have new episodes. Very disappointing. I don’t want to pay $200 for a device that works worse than a web browser on the shows that are important to me.
Using Boxee for the First Time
My wife enjoys watching TV a lot more than I do. I prefer interactive or creative pursuits like programming, photography, or video games. If, tomorrow, all the TV studios said we could no longer use the Internet to freely watch their programs (with ads, of course), I wouldn’t buy cable. Once I’d broken that shackle, it was gone forever. Even when I had Comcast and my MythTV, the hard drive was filling up with the shows I liked (Myth Busters, Dirty Jobs, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report) faster than I could watch them. But Danielle enjoys TV and I enjoy making my wife happy. So, when I read about the Boxee Box, I thought it might be something she’d enjoy.
What happens when no one obeys anymore?
A lot of people have been warning that rules/laws that everyone considers stupid are a very dangerous thing. Essentially, what happens when every single person you know is a “criminal”? It begins to create a sense that rules are pointless and if everyone’s disobeying this rule, why not disobey that one and so on. These people see the current problems with copyright infringement as potentially being the catalyst to the end of civilized society. I’m not sure I would go that far by a long shot, but it is an interesting question.