Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Blog-Theme”
This'll work for now...
I found a Wordpress theme that I mostly like called Hal 5.0. I think the top image is a little over the top, but the overall theme is ok. I edited the font size up from the default - the font designer must have amazing eyesight. I also added in tag listings into the blog posts. Overall, I’m much happier with this look than with the previous one. I still think that, someday, I’ll make my own theme so I can be completely happy with it instead of finding one that’s good enough on the Wordpress site.
Changing themes again
This theme is really annoying me, mostly because it’s a fixed width theme. That means that the theme doesn’t expand if you expand your Window or have a wide screen monitor. Mostly, it means annoying things like this blog post title. As you can see, it cuts into the metadata such as the date/time. Also this theme doesn’t support tags. So you may see some strangeness as I change themes. I couldn’t find any that I truly wanted and, in the end, I think I’m just going to end up making my own theme.