Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Alex”
Multi-Generational Photos
Ever since Sam was born, I’ve been looking forward to a 4 generation male portrait. I’d done a female line portrait with Scarlett up to her great-grandmother. It was finally time to do the same for me. While we were out there and dressed up, we took a few other configurations of family photos. All the males are wearing guayaberas, a traditional shirt worn in the Caribbean, especially in Cuba.
A Trip to Washington with my Grandparents
They’d never been to DC before so we went to the usual tourist spots. Also there - my parents, daughter, and youngest brothers.

At the White House!

Grand Parents at the White House

Washington DC - 2016-07-14T12:25:29 - 012

In front of the Washingon Monument

In front of the Washingon Monument

Enjoying Gelato at Pitango

Enjoying Gelato at Pitango
Top 200 Photos: #169
This Top 200 Photo was taken at the beach.
Alex would, at least in 2009, try and get right up in front of the camera if he noticed you taking a photo. It could spoil the photo you were trying to get a candid shot of, but it certainly made for a dynamic spontaneity that’s harder to capture as kids get older and self-conscious of their image.