Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “365-Project”
5 Tips for a More Successful 365 Project
One of the biggest trends on flickr is to start a 365 Project. This usually means taking one self-portrait a day for an entire year. This project is often misunderstood by those outside of flickr, especially since they’re used to the selfie-culture of MySpace and Facebook. It’s not a vanity project. A 365 Project is about taking the adage about becoming a better writer through writing every day to photography. It also has a special bonus of teaching the photographer what it’s like to be the subject. Many of us photo-geeks are behind the camera way more often than we’re in front of it. Sometimes we struggle with how to communicate to our subjects how to achieve the vision we have in our head. By being both the photographer and the subject, we learn to appreciate both points of view.
Late May to Early June Photojojo
Start s off with Towel Day, in memory of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and ends with a bike ride on the BWI trail.
Top 200 Photos: #137
Another 365 entry for today’s Top 200 Photo.
I got this idea during the swine flu epidemic. I’d heard that some people in less-educated countries were afraid that you could actually catch the swine flu from pigs. The truth was a bit more complicated - the original strain that could infect humans did come from a pig. But that was just one mutation of the virus. It only existed in that one pig. But people were boycotting having pigs in zoos and all kinds of stuff. So I thought of this idea. The title is “You Told Me You Were Clean”
Mid-April Photojojo
Time again for my photojojo time capsule. It contains my most interesting photos within a two week period. This time around it’s mostly my 365 plus one of my first Holga photos.
Top 200 Photos: #143
Back to the 365 Project for this Top 200 Photo.
Nearly everyone who does a 365 photo project ends up doing an interpretation of the Seven Deadly Sins. It tends to be really fun to figure out how to depict it. Most people never do the Seven Virtues. This was my depiction of Lust. I want to include here the text I have on the description on flickr.
Photojojo for Mid to Late March
Once again, it’s a heavy focus on my 365 project. Photojojo is a photo time capsule that sends you your most interesting photos (according to flickr) from the previous year so you can enjoy them again
Top 200 Photos: #190
Here’s the latest Top 200 Photos entry.
This is from my 365 project where I had to take one self-portrait a day. In my quest to think of creative subject matter, I went with modern versions of scenes from the Bible. Here I am Adam, eating the fruit that Eve gave me. Nowhere in the Bible does it say it was an apple, so I went with grapes to be creative.
Photojojo for Late Nov through Early Dec (My Most Interesting Photos from Last Year)
See it on their site to setup your own. Mostly consists of photos from my 365 project. The last two are from a trip to Hawaii.
Dual Photojojo Edition
I’ve been slacking a bit with these, so here are two photojojo entries. The first one is from 25 Aug to 8 Sept. Apparently only my 365 was interesting at the time:
The Dark Assignment
I finished off my 365 assignment with an eight part story. Here it is for you, my blog readers.
[caption id="" align=“aligncenter” width=“333” caption=““Are You Ready to Perform?””] [/caption]
[caption id="" align=“aligncenter” width=“333” caption=““Where is the target?””] [/caption]
I can't believe it's almost over!
I’m writing this post two days before my 365 project ends. It will be published morning upon which I will take my last photo. I decided to end it with an eight-part story. You can start here and follow the photos in the set “The Dark Assignment” which should be open on the right. (Better than going directly to the set where you might end up seeing the end instead of following along) I’m not going to post my 365 retrospective now, that will come after I’m completely done. But I haven’t blogged about my 365 project since last October. So I wanted to share some of my favorite photos since then.
365 Graph
Today I worked on a python program to create a graph of the views of all my photos in my 365 Project set. Here’s the result: (click for full size)
[caption id=“attachment_2937” align=“aligncenter” width=“300” caption=“365 Project Views Graph”] [/caption]
I was curious how they stacked up and I wanted to see if I could detect any patterns. Except for a few outliers, they’re mostly below 50 views per photo. I also expected to see more views after I started adding my photos to more 365 photo groups, but this is not the case. There do appear to be clusters of views. In other words, one highly viewed photo seemed to lift the ones by it. That one huge outlier is my photo making fun of causes of the swine flu. The other big one is my Heroin Chic photo, no surprises there. It was fun to create this and I learned a new python module. Also, even though it probably took me a bit more time to program than to do it manually, it will now automatically generate whenever I want, and that’s worth the time it took.
365 Project Update
Due to missing some photos on the weekend or extremely busy weeks, I’ve now completed 155 days as of the time this is being written. Here are some of my favorite photos since my last update in August. To see the entire project, visit my 365 Set on flickr.
Update on the 365 Project
I first mentioned my participation in the 365 project back in May. Ever since then I’ve gone back and forth between filler photos and some of my best creative work. I’ve been trying as much as possible to explore different techniques and try to be as creative as possible. Here are my best shots since May.
Starting New Projects
[caption id="" align=“alignleft” width=“240” caption=“Day Fourteen: “You Told Me You Were Clean””] [/caption]
It’s been 16 days now since I started taking part in flickr’s famous 365 Project. Well, flickr has many of them, but the most famous one most people partake in is the one where the photographer takes 1 self-portrait per day for 365 days. The reason for the popularity in the self-portrait 365 project is probably due to two properties of said project. First of all, by forcing the photographer to take self-portraits you remove the photographer’s block that can come from thinking of a subject every day. Since you know it’s always going to be you, you don’t need to worry about what to photograph. On the other hand, self-portraits contain a challenge in that you have to pre-frame your shot and then get in it. At the moment the shutter clicks you are no looking through the viewfinder. I’ve found it to be a great exercise in creativity because it wouldn’t be fun for myself or my viewers if they were all just shots of me sitting or standing in front of a wall. I’ve only begun to scratch away at the limits of my creativity, but the house has gotten in the way; more on that shortly. I think my most creative shot thus far was on Day 14 and has to do with Swine Flu. Depending upon whether you are reading this shortly after posting or years later - the Swine Flu [near] Pandemic of 2009 was one of the biggest stories of the second quarter in 2009. It’s been on the news almost nonstop for the past week and so I had to try and do a topical 365 shot. I’m pretty happy with the result. Follow my progress in the 365 project by visitng my 365 se t.