Category: videos

  • Weird Al’s Hilarious New Video “White and Nerdy”

    here’s a link to the video at youube -> I think it’s hilarious!

  • And now for some entertainment It’s a mix of very funny and a bit juvenile. Enjoy!

  • Crazy Christmas Lights

    I’m really busy, so check these out, they are awesome. It’s a guy who synced up his Christmas lights to music. Saw it on CNN and googled to find it. Sorry it’s in evil Windows Media Video…

  • Cinelerra – Making Movies on Linux

    Cinelerra – Making Movies on Linux

    As some of you know from having been to my drop the bomb productions site you can see some of the stuff I’ve done. Of course, I haven’t done much serious stuff yet, but have mostly just done work for others to showcase my editing abilities. However, I am constantly making videos for different reasons.…

  • The sun sets on Numa Numa….and rises on Andrew’s Beautiful Day?

    Andrew, on a dare from some of his mates in the Galactic Irregulars, tried to outdo the Numa Numa guy with his own lip sync to a song. Personally, I don’t think it’s whacky enough. He’s driving and the music is playing while he sings to some of the lyrics. It is kinda neat to…

  • Perhaps the last Numa Numa Post

    I was looking at the stats for my server and I saw that four people had come here by searching: “a mexican and asian guy singing the numa numa remix”. I googled it myself and saw that you guys had been tricked by Google. I had written about Asia in one post and Numa Numa…

  • Return of Numa Numa

    Yesterday there was one bright spot in the gloom and doom of the death of my grandmother. I saw the real music video to the Numa Numa song. It’s a European video, so it’s pretty cheesy, In fact, it’s hard to say which is funnier, the real video or the new one on the internet.…

  • More Numa Numa Action!

    Remember when I talked about Numa Numa guy getting his big break on tv? He’s got a name now and it’s Gary Brolsma. (Well, he always had a name, but now we know it!) Following is a CNET article I found about him and my comments following any paragraphs I feel warrant comment. Internet fame…

  • drop the bomb productions gets a minor face lift

    The website for drop the bomb productions, my indie film studio, has received a minor face lift today. I changed the index page and added some forums for discussion. For those of you who don’t know, I am into video editing and have created quite a bit of content. The videos currently on the server…

  • Numa Numa Guy gets recognition!

    The Numa Numa guy, who I wrote about in my first blog here, was on the news today on MSNBC. He was also on VH1’s best week ever. Whether he intended to have this video shown all over the internet, or whether it was accidentally put into his file sharing folder, he is now a…