Category: Books

  • Review: Pay Me, Bug!

    Pay Me, Bug! by Christopher B. Wright My rating: 4 of 5 stars I said it in a few status updates, but after I finished the book last night I was even surer in my convictions, this should be animated. Why not live action? Well, as we’ve seen in all the super hero movies, actors…

  • Review: Warbreaker, Part 1 of 3

    Warbreaker, Part 1 of 3 by Brandon Sanderson My rating: 4 of 5 stars I am pretty sure I’ve never read Sanderson before. I’ve just not historically been that much of fantasy guy. I’ve read more fantasy in the past few years than I have in the preceeding decades. However, I do know the name…

  • Review: The Trinity Paradox

    The Trinity Paradox by Kevin J. Anderson My rating: 3 of 5 stars Got this in the Time Travel Storybundle This book was a good read. That said, I was disappointed, given the title of the story – The Trinity PARADOX. I thought it was going to be like Back to the Future 2 where…

  • Review: The Handmaid’s Tale

    The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood My rating: 4 of 5 stars I wanted to read this book before talk of the TV show caused the plot to enter the wider zeitgeist and ruin it for me. I’m going to put any big spoilers in the spoiler tag, but this is a book from the…

  • Review: Lightspeed Magazine, March 2013

    Lightspeed Magazine, March 2013 by John Joseph Adams My rating: 4 of 5 stars Got this as part of a Humble Bundle in 2015, I think. Finally got around to it. There were some really great and moving stories in here. As usual with anthologies, a collection of my status updates: “Things Undone” (Novella) –…

  • Review: You Are Not So Smart: Why You Have Too Many Friends on Facebook, Why Your Memory Is Mostly Fiction, and 46 Other Ways You’re Deluding Yourself

    You Are Not So Smart: Why You Have Too Many Friends on Facebook, Why Your Memory Is Mostly Fiction, and 46 Other Ways You’re Deluding Yourself by David McRaney My rating: 3 of 5 stars This is a great book that I think would have blown my mind if I hadn’t already been listening to…

  • Review: Whiskey and Water

    Whiskey and Water by Elizabeth Bear My rating: 3 of 5 stars This book was hard to read. I enjoyed it, but it was definitely hard. Goodreads says it’s the second book of this series and it probably is (the info is populated by GR people who volunteer to be librarians and is sometimes wrong).…

  • Review: Clipping Through: One Mad Week In Video Games

    Clipping Through: One Mad Week In Video Games by Leigh Alexander My rating: 3 of 5 stars I discovered Ms. Leigh Alexander when she appeared on one of the E3 podcasts at Giant Bomb. I found her perspective fascinating in a sea of men. I was still too new to this world to understand why…

  • Review: Big Pulp Fall 2011: On The Road From Galilee

    Big Pulp Fall 2011: On The Road From Galilee by Michael D. Turner My rating: 4 of 5 stars A fun anthology that had more stories I liked than didn’t. As usual for an anthology, a collection of my status updates as the review: “On the road from Gallilee” – time travel and it tackles…

  • Review: The Machine God

    The Machine God by MeiLin Miranda My rating: 4 of 5 stars Well, this story functions quite well to continue the story from Black Mercury. We see the fates of many of the characters from the previous novel, but this really is quite a different story with a different focus. The series is going from…

  • Review: Black Mercury

    Black Mercury by Charlotte E. English My rating: 3 of 5 stars This book started off seeming as though it would be some sort of Victorian, Steampunk Speed Racer. But that turned out to just be a red herring to introduce us to the characters and set up some of the conflicts. I also thought…

  • Review: Massively Multiplayer

    Massively Multiplayer by P. Aaron Potter My rating: 5 of 5 stars I don’t really think this book was “AMAZING”, but I gave it an extra star for doing a good job of messing with my expectations. I’ve been reading nearly 30 years now so it’s very hard for an author not to fall into…

  • Review: Hunt at the Well of Eternity

    Hunt at the Well of Eternity by Gabriel Hunt My rating: 4 of 5 stars I’m pretty dang sure I got this book during one of B&N’s free ebook fridays. I don’t know if they still do that, but it’s something they used to do when I first got my Nook. There’s no way I…

  • Review: Augie and the Green Knight

    Augie and the Green Knight by Zach Weinersmith My rating: 3 of 5 stars Disclaimer: I was a kickstarter backer on this book I Kickstarted this book because I liked Weiner’s work on Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal and because the description sounded appealing to me – create a book that would appeal to a young,…

  • Review: Angel’s Ink

    Angel’s Ink by Jocelynn Drake My rating: 4 of 5 stars While in some ways this is an OK thriller, it makes for a very fun read. Ms Drake has created a very interesting universe which has the relationship between witches/warlocks and humans as the inverse of Harry Potter. In HP the magical world is…