Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Videos”
The Strangest Things Make Toddlers Laugh
(if you’re on Facebook you may need to visit the post to see the video)
The Kids Murder some Flowers
(If you’re seeing this on Facebook you may need to follow the link to see the video)
Pushing the Car
I can’t believe how much they’ve grown. Summer 2016 we were pushing them around in this car, now they’re pushing it around. (Youtube vids which may not carry over to FB - you may need to click through to the blog)
Stella messes with Sam
(if you usually see my blog posts on FB, I am pretty sure they don’t carry over Youtube embeds, so come to the blog to see the videos)
If you’re an only child, you don’t know what it’s like to have to live with your kiddie tormentor. Growing up, the three of us each alternated as the aggressor and the aggrieved. As Stella proves here, you don’t have to the the oldest to be the one causing issues.
Scarlett "reads" The Carrot Seed
I remember doing this and getting guff from my parents for claiming that I could read. In reality I had simply memorized one of my favorite books.
Scarlett rides her trike on her own for the first time
In the following video:
[video mp4="/images/2015/10/Scarlett%20rides%20her%20trike%20on%20her%20own%20for%20the%20first%20time.mp4"]
Testing Video on the Canon Rebel T6s
Until recently I’d never used a DSLR that was capable of video. Oh, I’d had plenty of point-and-shoot cameras that were capable of shooting video, but not DSLRs. Thanks to my mom, I now have the Canon EOS Rebel T6s Digital SLR and I wanted to try out the video. On the first day, with the auto-focus I was annoyed because it’s incredibly loud on the onboard microphone. More or less impossible to shoot film that way until you’re going to have an external mic. So I played around with it with manual focus. Here is the result:
My first video editing experience with KDEnlive
[iframe src="" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen>]
KDEnlive Test from djotaku on Vimeo.
I’ve mentioned this on my blog before, but there are a few passions that I have been engaged in to various degrees over the course of my life. One of those is the creation of videos. Of course, video creation is much more involved than my other passions. First of all, you have to worry about sound as well as video. Second, it usually has to have a story or purpose - so it’s at least three times as involved as photography, writing, or programming. So my video production has fallen off quite a bit in the last few years. You can see that if you go to my video site: drop the bomb productions. Although I may have done some tidying up by the time this post goes up, before that I hadn’t touched it in 4 years.
Let Me Smoke My Pipe!
Dan’s not the only one that can post videos. Here’s one I really enjoyed. I heard about this guy in a podcast that covered a steam punk gathering in London.
Who do I need to slap upside the head?
Every once in a while, while reading Wikipedia to try and figure out why some show from my childhood isn’t available on DVD, I read that music rights are holding back the DVD. I understand that these shows were created back before DVDs and, therefore, some kind of weird legal loophole is keeping the tv show rights holders from using the music. But I think that whoever owns the music should just let it be used! Why? Because it can end up leading to music sales for the music rights holder. This wasn’t the case in the bad old days of records and CDs. But now that the viewer can just buy any song he/she wants, the music rights holder is just losing money for no reason. Recent example: Danielle is currently working her way through the Nip/Tuck DVDs. After watching the season four finale, she searched around the Internet to find the song and then bought it off Amazon.
Creative Commons
First my amaturish Creative Commons video:
The Creative Commons from djotaku on Vimeo.
Now, this awesome one I saw on Lawrence Lessig’s Blog:
drop the bomb productions gets a facelift
After having tried drupal for a couple of years on an unrelated site, I came to see that it would be a great way to develop a new site for drop the bomb productions. After about two days of converting the site over, you can now see the results. I think it results in a cleaner, easier to navigate site and I think it’ll be easier for visitors to find what they’re looking for.
ZeroPunctuation - Awesome video game reviews!
The word irreverent is tossed around way too flippantly these days, however, if there’s one site that deserves it, it’s ZeroPunctuation. ZeroPunctuation is a site where a British guy living in Australia reviews video games within a video format weekly. He often makes fun of games and the genres they belong in. The animation is extremely simple, yet remarkably effective. It’s slightly more than xkcd, but not much more than stick figures. The way he does this is brilliant and it must be seen in order to explain it correctly. Just one warning, if you get queasy over profanity, do NOT visit his site.
When I first began to study about Salvador Dali, I looked up surrealism in Wikipedia. The article mentioned that surrealism was not limited to the art of painting. It also extended to video work. I always wondered what a surreal movie might be like. Well, I have found one that, for some reason, has really stuck to me. It’s called Incongruitastic. This project originated with the animator wanting to combine all of his ideas into one short film. The result is episode 0, which is extremely surreal.
Crank That is the new Mashup Sensation
This annoyingly catchy rap song with crazy dance moves (there’s even a video online by the rapper to show you how to do the dance) is being put into all kinds of mashups. For some reason, these all seem to involve kiddie movies and Tv shows. Anyway, this gave me a pretty good laugh for a while. So, even though I hate linking to youtube videos (since they have an annoying tendency to be taken off), check these out while they last. First, check out the original, so you know what they’re parodying.
Vimeo Introduces Channels
One long standing request on the Vimeo forums was for Vimeo to adopt some features from flickr; namely sets and groups. Well, Vimeo decided to mix it up and create a hybrid all their own. Dubbed Channels, they are an interesting mechanism. A user creates a channel and then the user can add his own videos to that channel as well as the videos of anyone else he thinks matches the channel criteria. So it’s like a set, but you can add others so it’s like a group, but only you are allowed to add in videos. I think it’s annoying that only the channel moderator can add new videos. However, I do like a lot of the extra features they added such as blogs and RSS feeds. I’ve wanted a way to blog within vimeo about vimeo-specific things that were just way too specific to mention in this blog. is pretty awesome!
What makes so awesome is the fact that they truly do care about their users. Due to what I wrote about my experiences with my “Shrodinger’s Cat” video on their site, I’ve had their lead web support guy email me and we’re actively working on the problem right now. That and getting the comment on my blog from the President is pretty sweet. I’m very happy with this experience as it shows they truly care and are truly working towards having the best animation site on the net. It’s like being in involved in an open source project where they accept your constructive criticism as input towards improving the product instead of something that needs to be swept under the rug. annoyances
It does not seem to support HD aspect ratio (widescreen) videos while Vimeo does.
“Shrodinger’s Cat” is not any higher quality than on Vimeo.
So far there aren’t too many views, but there hasn’t been a lot of time for people to see my videos just yet.
So, I have all of my videos on I like them better than youtube because of their focus. Vimeo is very community oriented and they put a huge emphasis on original content. Vimeo is where I go to see new, neat videos like the stuff that Remmy is doing. Youtube is where I go if I missed The Colbert Report. Recently I put up my animations, “Jose’s Dinner” and “Shrodinger’s Cat”. However, they don’t seem to be getting a lot of views compared to my other videos. " Jose’s Dinner" has 134 views and " Shrodinger’s Cat" has 134. Most of my other videos have 2 - 4 times as many views.
Make a Splash!
After 3-4 days of rendering (fluid reflections and tranparency take forever to render), here is the video outcome of the splash shots I’ve been showing here. Enjoy!
Fluid Simulation: Creating a Splash from djotaku and Vimeo.
Some more Water Simulation
So, with water simulations in Blender, the resolution of the water particles can be set. Basically, you are telling the simulation engine how big to consider the particles of water to be. This can have extremely dramatic results. Let’s take the tank of water I rendered yesterday. This time I’m at a more exciting point in the animation, frame 104.
First, here is the animation with a resolution of 50. This takes up about 3 MB on my computer.
Why do fluid simulations fascinate me so much?
Probably for the same reason I LOVED taking these pictures:
(you should view these large to get the full effect)
So here’s one frame from a new mini animation I was working on today. I still have a few tweaks to make, but it took 20 minutes or so to generate this frame.
Stats are back in Vimeo.....
and I’m happy to say that today I got 35 views on " Jose’s Dinner" too bad no one’s leaving comments. But perhaps most of my viewers are not from the vimeo community.
Vimeo Version 5
is out!
The good news is that it looks slicker. That bad news is that I no have no idea where the heck anything is!
Check my stuff out at:
Final Exam
I decided to give myself a little “final exam” and practice everything I had learned in Blender so far. So I combined soft bodies, the physics engine, and the fluid simulator. It wasn’t exactly trivial - for example - I had to tell the physics engine to consider the towel to be a ghost because of the way the soft body engine works in combination with the physics engine. Also, I had a lot of issues with getting the water resolution low enough to get it to fall into the cup instead of hovering over it. Overall I really liked it and if I could do something different I would have had a bit more water so that it would have splashed out of the cup or done something a little more interactive. Nevertheless, here it is, my final exam:
Awesome Mashup
Here’s a great mashup Remyyy created with vintage footage and a recent song. It matches up fairly nicely!
You don’t know me from Remyyy on Vimeo
Wii Remote Awesomeness
This guy wrote software to control music loop software with a Wiimote. Unfortunately, I think it’s only for macs.
Stop Motion Studies by [[- charetteprod -]]
The beat was stuck in my head for days. My youngest brother says it’s a Daft Punk song. Having done some of these on a small scale all I can say is that this must have taken them HOURS (if not days) to do!
Yellow Fever
A really fun mockumentary about why Asian girls are always dating non-Asian men by the team at Wong Fu Productions:
If you want to see a REALLY, REALLY good animation, check out Three Legged Legs’ Samurai. It’s about 2-3 minutes long and it’s a wonderful little cartoon set in a stylized ancient japan.
A pretty interesting animation was done on Blender by an Arabic team. You can watch it here.
Why XML files are so much better than Binary files
For my latest animation, " Jose’s Dinner", I was using Cinelerra for the 2D animatic. I was working on it while I was at my in-law’s house so I was using the laptop. However, we try to use the laptop as little as possible to keep extend the life of the laptop, so when I got back home I wanted to work on it here. However, the files were in different folders than on the laptop. But, since Cinelerra uses XML files, all I had to do was load the file into Emacs and do a find/replace to replace the old folders with the new ones and it worked! With a binary file that would be impossible since the information is not represented as text!
An interesting animation
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if the Walmart logo danced to regeton, a mostly crappy mix of reggae and booty music? Me neither! That’s why this video was so surprising. Enjoy!
Top 5 most liked videos on Vimeo
Aida’s Life: The Interview on Vimeo 3 Likes
250: Vimeo News! on Vimeo 3 Likes
Existential Ponderings on Vimeo 1 Like
The Creative Commons on Vimeo 1 Like
My top 5 most Viewed Videos on Vimeo
War is Hell on Vimeo 2051 Views
Anime Hurricane on Vimeo 1397 Views
Unnecessary Tuffness on Vimeo 898 Views
Pao Bhangra 1 Disc 1 Part 1 on Vimeo 865 Views
Kung Fu Fighting (Super Smash Brothers Melee) on Vimeo 825 Views
Mac vs PC ad gets an update
Some guys over at Novell decided to update the Mac v PC ads to become Mac v PC v Linux. I think they’re pretty creative and he gives a great reason behind the choices he made for the video.
I’ve got the videos here, below, but be sure to follow the link above and see how they came up with it.
Clean Conscious
A parody I made a few years ago for church along with Kyle, Mauricio, Jared, Julia, and Gene.
Video blog: The Creative Commons
Ever wondered what the Creative Commons was all about? Check out this video!
The Brits Have It Backwards
And not just the side of the street on which they drive!
Two Panda Stop-Motion Videos
Here are two short videos. The first one is extremely short. The second one is my favorite, and the action matches the beat of the music. Enjoy!
Tian Tian Or An Extremely Short Stop-Motion Featuring a Giant Panda Father on Vimeo
Tai Shan’s Jazz Time Or A Visual Stop-Motion Interpretation of Kevin McLeod’s No Good Layabout on Vimeo
Video blog post: Libre Software
An introduction to Libre Software and why you should consider using it.
I’ve been too busy to write recently; even though I have so much to write about. It’s quite annoying.
There’s a lip dubbing challenge going on at I would have called it a fan video - basically people are making music videos to their favorite songs and, instead of attacking us with their horrible singing skills, they are dubbing the song over their own voices. I hope to have my own up soon. There’s one I’ve had the idea to do for about 4 years now. I used to daydream about doing it while walking through Cornell campus and listening to the song. I just knew I could make a good video for it. After seeing the real music video recently - I know mine will be more accurate to the song.
A clip from my Cornell Past
Ah, it’s so fun looking back at Cornell now that I no longer have to deal with all the BS.
Professor Delchamps Plays The Cornell Alma Mater (First Few Notes) on a Moog Synthesizer on Vimeo
Cycles, Vimeo hits, and Vimeo Limits
I’ve written before about how my interests tend to go in cycles. I haven’t played Sims 2 or Civ 4 in ages. In fact, since getting to work after Christmas Break I haven’t really taken many photos either. I became consumed with Blender and getting my animations done. Then Vimeo raised the upload limit from 30 mb to 250 mb and I suddenly had to digitize all those video clips I"d been waiting forever to digitize. Here’s a video Vimeo asked us to make - they said to make a video celebrating the increase.
A different interview
My brother Daniel and I worked together on this video, an assignment for one of his classes at school. It’s a wonderful thing to have now that I’m so into genealogy. I also thought it was a very neat historical document because we interviewed people who experienced the revolution first-hand.
This is not the interview I was talking about last night, but I think it’s a great thing to share while I am working on translating and editing the video of my grandmother.
The Aida Interview
That tape I was waiting to rewind was an interview I did with my grandmother. She was only 3-4 months from dying. It’s freakin’ surreal! I knew I had this tape, but I couldn’t find it for the past 3 years! I had wanted to do this for years - video tape an interview with my grandmother about her life - for genealogical purposes. A lot of questions I’ve recently asked my mother, my grandmother answers in this tape. I just didn’t bother writing it down since I was video taping it. I couldn’t believe it when she died because I wanted to do this so badly and I wanted to get more interviews. She used to tell me story upon story when I was a child. It was my favorite thing to do at her house. I will post it to vimeo with some translations and an introduction. Probably tomorrow if I’m feeling especially ambitious. ---- edit it was 1 year and 3-4 months from her death - but still came out of the blue for me!
I’m waiting for a video to rewind which is the last time my grandmother Aida was on tape. This is the longest rewind EVER!
New higest number of views in one day on Vimeo
222 views to my clips in ONE DAY! Once again - this is the best thing ever for a creator of content - to have it experienced!
vimeo now 250 mb per week!
just went to upload a file and to my delight discovered that we have a new limit from 30mb to 250mb!!!
Christmas Stop-Motion
I’ve been inspired by a string of videos on Vimeo involving live action stop-motion. Usually stop motion is used to animate inanimate objects or create movies such as “The Nightmare Before Christmas”. But with the cheapness of digital photography, more and more people are turning to using stop-motion to animate themselves. I didn’t have this intention when I shot this sequence of photos. I was just trying to make sure to get that moment when the person opens their Christmas present and has that sense of excitement in their eyes. So I took a lot of pictures before and after gifts were opened.
Budgie Camera Timing & Lighting Test 1 Render
Bet you’ve wanted to see the budgie all the way around, eh? Well, here it is! I was doing a test on timing and light. Naturally, the timing is wrong! That’s why I’m doing a test! The camera is moving too fast, I’m going to try and work on that as I continue working on the modeling aspect.
Here ya go:
The Conclusion to "10 Little S'mores"
Part three, freshly posted just two days ago and here it is for you to see the exciting conclusion to “10 Little S’mores”.
Part 2 of 3 of "10 Little S'mores"
I know you’ve been waiting in anticipation to see part two. That is, unless you went to vimeo and watched it already.
The Greatest Praise
For any creator of content, be it music, photos, or music, the greatest praise is to have people experience your content. This is why I care about how many views I have on my photos on flickr. It’s not that I want to compare myself to others - there are many who gets thousands of views on each photo they upload. I just want to know people are looking at my photos.
While I was at my parents’ house, I wanted to show David, my youngest brother, how quickly I could generate I could a humanoid while also practicing the principles I learned with Raul Domingo. (Thus Danny’s extremely blocky midsection) Then I moved on to some more advanced topics, such as light. I had always been a little bit dissapointed in the light in my renders, but I never knew what was wrong. After going through the lighting tutorial from the Blender Summer of Documentation, I realized what the problem was. A twofold problem, it was a matter of power. You see, first of all, I needed to have a sum total light intensity of 2, not one. Second, the designers of Blender envisioned most scenes to have, at least, two lights. Below are some renders of my experimentation with flashlight light and sunny light. Click on them if you want/want to see the full res version.
Pao Bhangra!
Which means “do Bhangra!” or “dance Bhangra!” Bhangra is a wonderful and catchy style of dance from the Punjab region of India. View this clip from the introduction to Pao Bhangra 1 at Cornell University! You can follow the link to Vimeo to see the rest of the clips, go to or come back to this blog over the next few days when I post the next part.
In order to get my video to fit within Vimeo’s upload limits, I had to split up the video into different parts. This is also from VCD disc 1 that I created for them.
Pao Bhangra Disc 1, Part 1
Pao Bhangra 1 Disc 1 Part 1 on Vimeo
My younger brother David's masterpiece
David has created a wonderful new bit of machinima entitled S’mores Night Movie. It was originally intended as an inside joke between friends. He, with his girlfriend Tamlin as the screenwriter, put together a 35 minute movie incorporating different episodes of what has happened with their friends into a remake of “10 Little Indians”. I was thoroughly impressed as this was his first scripted movie and his first machinima. In fact, he didn’t even know of the movement called machinima, he just happened to feel that the Sims 2 provided him with a great set of premade characters and items for him to use in his movie.
I have registered the above domain name for my video production group. I’ve recently overhauled the website (an understatement, if you ask me) and have plans to continue to fix it up. I figured if I plan to continue to work on my videos and computer animation, it makes sense to have a domain to bring people to see my work.
Check it out!
Suburban Plight
I came across this page today where someone has posted a video entitled Suburban Plight. The movie is a combination of live action and computer graphics created with Blender! The result looks very nice. I’m glad the author decided to share it with us. Check it out!
Just wanted to talk about Vimeo, a flickr-like site for videos. You can see my videos at . Some of my readers may notice that I have these clips on my server (except Pao Bhangra). So why would you go to vimeo? Because my server has limited bandwidth. I think it uploads at 2 Mbits per second, while these people download a lot faster. So check them out! Then check out some other people’s work.
Weird Al's Hilarious New Video "White and Nerdy"
here’s a link to the video at youube ->
I think it’s hilarious!
And now for some entertainment
It’s a mix of very funny and a bit juvenile. Enjoy!
Crazy Christmas Lights
I’m really busy, so check these out, they are awesome. It’s a guy who synced up his Christmas lights to music. Saw it on CNN and googled to find it. Sorry it’s in evil Windows Media Video…
Cinelerra - Making Movies on Linux
As some of you know from having been to my drop the bomb productions site you can see some of the stuff I’ve done. Of course, I haven’t done much serious stuff yet, but have mostly just done work for others to showcase my editing abilities. However, I am constantly making videos for different reasons. For example, I just completed making a two DVD set video of my own wedding. I also made a graduation video for my brother, Dan, a couple of years ago. So I love to keep up to date with the latest in video software. Other than photography (and lite gaming), it’s my biggest reason for using a computer.
drop the bomb productions gets a minor face lift
The website for drop the bomb productions, my indie film studio, has received a minor face lift today. I changed the index page and added some forums for discussion.
For those of you who don’t know, I am into video editing and have created quite a bit of content. The videos currently on the server showcase just a fraction of my work over the past half decade. Of course, I have not added some of my largest productions, including Pao Bhangra, due to current space restrictions on my server. I intend to fix that when I relaunch the server at the end of 2005.